
Below please find powerpoint presentations about the different MARISCO steps. These presentations are designed for self-learning and can also be used for training courses or MARISCO exercises.


This material was created under the leadership and responsibility of Prof. Dr. Pierre Ibisch and Dr. Peter Hobson, co-directors of the Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management, which was jointly established by Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development and Writtle College. CompareIbisch, P.L. & P.R. Hobson (eds.) (2014): The MARISCO method: Adaptive MAnagement of vulnerability and RISk at COnservation sites. A guidebook for risk-robust, adaptive, and ecosystem-based conservation of biodiversity. Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management, Eberswalde (ISBN 978-3-00-043244-6). 195 pp. –


The Powerpoint Presentations were conceived by Jamie Call, Christina Lehmann and Pierre Ibisch. Authors of graphs and photographs are indicated on the corresponding slides.


Supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ).



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- You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the authors (but  

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- If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you must remove the Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management logo, and you may distribute the resulting work    only under the same or similar conditions to this one.


The Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management strongly recommends that this presentation is given by experts familiar with the adaptive management process in general (especially  as designed as the Conservation Measures Partnership’s Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation) as well as the MARISCO Method itself.

Introduction to the MARISCO course
00_Introduction to the course_1_0.pptx
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [37.2 MB]

MARISCO Phase 1- Preparation and initial conceptualisation

Ecosystem Diagnostics Analysis
0. EDA_1_0.pptx
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [20.7 MB]
Geographical scope of management
1. Define the geographical scope of mana[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [3.5 MB]
Conservation objects - Biodiversity objects
2. Determine conservation objects - Biod[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [1.9 MB]
Conservation objects - Human wellbeing objects
3. Determine conservation objects - (bio[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [1.9 MB]
Initial management vision
4. Define the initial management vision_[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [3.3 MB]

MARISCO Phase 2 - Systemic vulnerability and risk analysis

Current status of the biodiversity objects
5. Assessment of the current status of t[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [8.0 MB]
Threats - Drivers of stress and the vulnerability they cause to biodiversity objects
6. Threats - understanding the drivers o[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [4.0 MB]
Contribuing factors to threats
7. Identify contribuing factors to threa[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [4.3 MB]
The systemic conceptual model
8. Organise, revise and complete the sys[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [3.5 MB]
Spatial analysis and priority setting
9. Spatial analysis and priority setting[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [2.7 MB]
Criticality of stresses, threats and contributing factors
10. Assess criticality of stresses, thre[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [5.2 MB]
Future scenarios
11. Develop future scenarios_1_0.pptx
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [1.9 MB]
Future criticality of stresses, threats and contributing factors
12. Analysis of the future criticality o[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [1.6 MB]
Systemic activity and the strategic relevance of stresses, threats and contributing factors
13. Analysis of systemic activity and th[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [2.3 MB]
Knowledge and manageability of stresses, threats and contributing factors
14. Analysis of knowledge and manageabil[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [3.1 MB]
Relevant actors and stakeholders
15. Understand the relevant actors and s[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [1.7 MB]
Revision and Validation
16. Revision and Validation_1_0.pptx
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [1.4 MB]

MARISCO Phase 3 - Comprehensive evaluation, prioritisation and strategy formulation

Identification of existing strategies and strategy mapping
17. Identification of existing strategie[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [3.5 MB]
Assessment and prioritization of existing strategies
18. Assessment and prioritization of exi[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [7.8 MB]
Visualisation of systemic relationships between elements of the conceptual model I
19. Visualisation of systemic relationsh[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [7.5 MB]
Filling of strategic gaps The development of complementary strategies
20. Analysis and filling of strategic ga[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [2.8 MB]
Assessment and prioritization of complementary strategies
21. Assessment and prioritization of com[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [8.0 MB]
Visualisation of systemic relationships between elements of the conceptual model II
22. Visualisation of systemic relationsh[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [7.0 MB]
Consistency and plausability of strategies, the spatial requirements for strategy implementation and the revision of the management scope and vision
23. Consistency and plausability of stra[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [3.7 MB]
Results webs, goal and objective setting, monitoring design
24. Results webs, goal and objective set[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [2.9 MB]

MARISCO Phase 4 - Implementation and (non-) knowledge management

Operational planning and implementation of measures
25. Operational planning and implementat[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [1.4 MB]
Monitoring of results, impacts and research
26. Monitoring of results, impacts and r[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [2.3 MB]
Knowledge and non-knowledge management
27. Knowledge and non-knowledge manageme[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [2.8 MB]
Organization of institutional learning and sharing with other projects and initiatives
28. Organization of institutional learni[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [2.0 MB]
Evaluation and revision of the underlying concept
29. Evaluation and revision of the under[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [1.6 MB]

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© Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management e.V. - Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development